Monday, February 6, 2023

// Be The Friend ... - Creative and Content Creator

- Be The Friend -

I believe that to be the case, and in fact, I am. It is impossible to deny the undeniable and enormous impact that technological progress has had on the way in which we interact, perform our jobs, and go about our lives on a daily basis as a result of ongoing innovation. In the near future, AI capabilities in augmented reality as wearable technology may outnumber smartphone or mobile technology usage. AI capabilities will allow us to experience and interact with the world in new ways. Since AI technology can outpace the powers of the human brain in terms of amazing speed and precision but cannot be as sentient as its creator, it would then become an extension of human skills, powering the next generation of innovative society. An innovative society, of course, does not define a utopian or dystopian future; rather, it is just innovation in the appropriate sense. The manner in which it is used, as well as the circumstances in which it is used, both play a role in determining whether or not it will be useful or harmful. Every new idea that gets turned into a useful instrument unavoidably comes with both benefits and drawbacks, and the effect that technology has on people's lives is directly correlated to how well it is controlled and administered.

I have never had any doubt that humanity is the cause of its own extinction, and I do not believe there is any question that AI has the potential to become an unstoppable destructive force capable of eradicating human existence completely from the face of the earth. The use of weaponized AI to inflict unimaginable damage on critical infrastructure and financial systems could result in widespread disruption and chaos. Alternatively, it could generate misinformation and propaganda, resulting in a large scale of false or misleading information and causing societal division and instability. When it comes to the construction of a new future, I see a new kind of tyrant in power who is driving society toward division and instability. The use of AI in the service of prejudice or for making decisions has the potential to have disastrous consequences.

The development of a young person's understanding of and relationship with the technologies of today and tomorrow, as well as their capacity to act as responsible and well-informed digital citizens, is inextricably linked to the degree to which they have been prepared for the transition that is currently taking place. Incorporating AI ethics into the school's curriculum, which includes discussions of AI ethics and its impact on society as part of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education or other subjects, is crucial. Schools could use real-world scenarios to teach ethical concepts, using examples of AI applications and their implications, such as the potential for AI systems to perpetuate biases or be used to spread misinformation. This should inspire young people to engage in critical thinking about the applications of AI and the potential repercussions it could have, and encourage them to ask questions about the ethical and social implications of this technology. Teach young people the importance of empathising with others, taking into account the point of view of other people, and considering how the use of AI systems and technologies may have an impact on the lives and well-being of other people. It would be beneficial to offer young people the opportunity to engage with AI systems and technologies, as well as code and design projects. If these kinds of hands-on experiences were made available to them, this could help individuals establish their own ethical framework for AI as well as have a deeper understanding of how these technologies function.

There has already been significant progress made in the application of AI in the medical field. It can be seen in the fact that there are now devices that are able to monitor various aspects of a person's health, such as a person's heart rate, glucose levels, or brain activity. AI algorithms are then able to interpret this data and respond to it in real time. It is also used to power implantable devices that administer focused therapy, such as stimulation to treat neurological diseases or the release of medications to control chronic ailments. Better outcomes, both for individuals and for society as a whole, can be achieved by AI in providing assistance to medical practitioners to improve their precision and effectiveness in decision-making processes. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), which use electrodes implanted inside the brain or connected outside as wearable gears to record and interpret neural activity and allow people to control computers, robots, or other devices using their thoughts, are not only in the making but have already become a reality, adding additional value to the world of virtual or augmented reality.

The concept of AI in the future is no longer confined to the realm of science fiction; rather, it is rapidly becoming a reality for both the current generation and those to come in the future. Sincerity compels me to tell you that there is no way around it; heed this warning. AI is here to stay.

In the end, you want it to be a helpful ally rather than an adversary.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

// Meaning of Life ... - Creative and Content Creator

- Meaning of Life -

The role of education in terms of personal endeavour or professional development is undeniably important in achieving a successful life. Though what "success" means to each individual varies, some people define success as having wealth, which leans heavily toward materialism, whereas others define it as achieving spiritual wellness. Most would, I believe, boil down to a sense of satisfaction, happiness, and fulfilment in one's life and endeavours. Because nothing truly lasts forever, most tangible materials will not be able to satisfy a person for a lifetime. Unless the material possession is more than a thing in and of itself to the person, lasting happiness often stems from a sense of purpose, meaningful relationships, and personal fulfilment that go beyond material success. In other words, success can be a factor that contributes to happiness, but it is not the only factor. While poverty does not prevent someone from being happy, financial stability and security can play a role in overall well-being and satisfaction; happiness can come from a variety of sources, including relationships, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. People who live in poverty may face more challenges in their lives, but they can still find joy and happiness in their relationships, hobbies, and community connections. Furthermore, research has shown that a person's level of happiness is influenced more by their perspective and outlook on life than by their external circumstances. So, consider whether success brings happiness and whether it can bring you everlasting happiness, because life is about living a rich life full of rich experiences.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

// In The Loop ... - Creative and Content Creator

- In The Loop -

I looked down at the compass that I was holding in my palm, feeling as disoriented as I typically do in the wee hours of the morning. The vast majority of individuals would greet a new day by getting up and starting over with their lives in the hopes of having a better day ahead. Simply put, I am not the right person for it. I am already aware of what is going to take place, as well as what will continue to take place on a daily basis in the foreseeable future. What actually took place was that I met a female while I was smoking on the roof of the building where I worked. She had gone to that location with the intention of taking her own life, but before she did so on that day, she presented me with a compass. Since then, I have never stopped thinking about that moment in the hopes that I can find a method to prevent her from ending her life. Every possible outcome I tried out ended with her passing away, and I was left with a compass that stuck with me for the remainder of the day. I have no doubt in my mind that the compass was the impetus for her mental breakdown and her suicide attempt that day atop the thirty-story building. Some of us would imagine that it would be wonderful to live forever without ever getting one day older or closer to our grave, but God has always had a good reason for allowing death to be a part of our existence. Everything must eventually come to an end in order for it to be able to start again. That's just the way life is. I am aware that I formerly existed within this artificial and fixed domain of time and space, which was continuously cycling through itself. This compass is my one and only hope of finding a solution to this conundrum other than simply erasing all traces of my existence in order to free myself from the confines of this space and time. There has to be some other way out of this predicament besides just doing that. I'm certain there is.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

// Pea Size Brain ... - Creative and Content Creator

- Pea Size Brain -

I find it hilarious when people claim that AI development lacks soul. It's like saying, "I love with all my heart," when we know the heart is just a working organ in the body. For humans to think of themselves as sentient beings and to create things for their own entertainment, I assume the concept of the soul is necessary, as is the usage of metaphors such as the one I just used. Some groups even make money off of these ideals, as seen in the commercialization of celebrations like the Catholic Church's All Souls' Day, or Day of the Dead, when Mexicans honour and remember loved ones who have died; Obon, when the Japanese honour the spirits of one's ancestors; Samhain, a festival celebrated by some Pagans and Wiccans; Pongal, a Hindu festival that honours and gives thanks to the spirits of ancestors and nature; and Ching Ming, a Chinese and Vietnamese festival, a time for families to honour and remember their ancestors by visiting and cleaning their graves and making offerings of food and joss sticks. There is no such thing as a soul apart from a human body, and an immaterial entity has no claim to basic civil liberties. Yet strangely, it is the so-called "soul" rather than the system that humans constructed—a structured economy—that gives them their consciousness, self-awareness, emotions, and moral character. Humans who allow themselves to be immersed in such sensory experiences are more likely to be truly alive. If you eat the forbidden fruit, you'll suddenly find the entire world appealing. Taking in the knowledge you gain is the challenging part of learning. Although AI can be helpful, ultimately it is up to humans to decide what is right and wrong in a given situation. In this universe, where humans happen to be the sole sentient beings, only humans may make the claim that they are conscious. Who knows? A time will come, however, when extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth will judge humans to be too reckless and tactless, much too backward, to be deemed sentient. The question then becomes, "What?"

Sunday, January 22, 2023

// - Creative and Content Creator ... - Creative and Content Creator

- - Creative and Content Creator -

... first posting on 22nd January 2023 ...

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// Be The Friend ...

- Be The Friend - I believe that to be the case, and in fact, I am. It is impossible to deny the undeniable and enormous impact that technol...

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